We work to ensure that RFSL Jämtland Härjedalen’s premises are accessible to everyone. Here you will find information about the venue, how to find us and how RFSL works with accessibility.
Find us
RFSL Jämtland Härjedalen’s premises are located at Kyrkgatan 45 in Östersund, right next to the bus square opposite Telia.
Enter the place
To enter the premises, there is half a flight of steps to the front door. Once inside, the room is accessible upstairs and so is the toilet. We have a basement to which there is no lift, but we will not have member activities there. Contact us via email at jh@rfsl.se if you are coming to us and have questions about accessibility.
If you need an interpreter, contact us beforehand via email at jh@rfsl.se to book this.
Read more
More about how RFSL works with accessibility, and what responsibility RFSL and RFSL’s departments take on to make their own activities accessible to as many people as possible, you can read in Common rules for accessibility within RFSL (pdf, opens in new window, only in swedish). The common rules for accessibility are indicative in RFSL’s work to realize the functional rights of members, employees and visitors in the meeting with RFSL.
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