Testpoint JH

Health, sex and HIVRFSL

HIV test. Anonymous, fast, free.
Testpoint JH gives you the opportunity to easily take an HIV and syphilis test and get a rapid answer. It is free of charge and you can be completely anonymous. We do not collect personal data, do not ask for ID, name, social security number or phone number.

The test is done in RFSL Jämtland Härjedalen’s premises, at Kyrkgatan 45 in Östersund. It is not linked to healthcare. Our test operation is open for drop-in every Wednesday at 17.00 – 19.00. So you can just come here without registering.

It is also possible to book an appointment during the day on weekdays. You do that on this page.

If you do not want to enter via Kyrkgatan, there is an entrance in the backyard between Hamngatan 17 and 19, ring the doorbell marked RFSL/Testpoint JH, or call 063-700 74 01 and we will let you in.

There is the possibility of travel compensation for those who live in Jämtland Härjedalen but further away than 35km or 45 minutes from our premises at Kyrkgatan 45 in Östersund. Then the bus or train ticket must be saved and submitted as an original to us.

Testpoint JH is primarily directed towards men who have sex with men and trans people/people with trans experience. But of course everyone who wants to come is welcome. It takes place in a safe place with LGBTQ competence.

Interpreter and availability

If you need an interpreter, you must make an appointment in advance. You do this by emailing us at jh@rfsl.se.

Read more about availability with us here to find out if it works for you: Accessibility


The sample is taken with a small needle prick in the finger, a few drops of blood are placed on a test stick and the answer is then read from the stick. In the meantime, you are offered counselling with our trained testing staff. The HIV test also includes a syphilis test.

Why should I test myself?

Testpoint JH wants to give everyone the opportunity to test themselves. By knowing your HIV status, you can take care of your own health and the health of others. The majority of people who live with HIV have received it from a person who does not know that they are positive. Testing is an effective way to reduce the transmission of HIV.

U=U means that unmeasurable HIV is untransmittable HIV. If you get tested and know your status, you can get treatment. Today, well managed treatment means that HIV is not detectable in your blood and you can basically live your life with HIV as a life without HIV. By getting tested regularly, you can protect yourself and your partners.

When can I test myself?

The HIV test measures antibodies. This means that the virus can only be detected after the body has formed antibodies against it. How long it takes varies from person to person, from about two to eight weeks. We recommend that eight weeks have passed since you think you may have been exposed, for the test to be completely reliable.

If you are acutely concerned, a traditional blood test may be better, as it can detect HIV at an earlier stage. If you want to know where to turn, contact us.

Testpoint JH does not refuse anyone who wants to take a test, provided the person is not under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Better a test too much than a test too little.

How is HIV treated?

Today’s treatment is very effective. If you test reactive for HIV, you get access to treatment and medication in time. It allows you to live a fulfilling life. The medicines today can reduce the virus to unmeasurable levels and are then classified as non-transmittable and the obligation to inform no longer applies then.

Treated HIV is therefore not transmittable and keeps you symptom-free and your life expectancy is the same as without HIV. Read more about this on RFSL’s national page: https://www.rfsl.se/verkehsam/halsa-sexualitet-och-hiv/oo/

Test results

If the test is reactive, we have a close collaboration with the infection clinic in Östersund. We make sure you know how to get there and also come along as support, but only if you want to, of course. We can only see if the test reacts with your blood and make no diagnosis, that’s why we say reactive test and not positive test. It is important to quickly do a confirmatory test at the hospital to confirm the rapid test. There is also the possibility of peer-to-peer contact with a person living with HIV via collaboration with Posithiva Gruppen Norr.

Why Syphilis?

Syphilis is currently increasing in Sweden, and men who have sex with men are overrepresented in the statistics. Our tests show the results for both HIV and syphilis with the same test.

The project in which Testpoint JH is part is financed by the Public Health Authority of Sweden.

Support. You can read more about several supports within RFSL here on RFSL’s national page: https://www.rfsl.se/verkehsam/stod/

Receive SMS reminders to test yourself, read more and register here: rfsl.se/jh/testpaminnelse

If you have any questions, just get in touch!

Testpoint JH is open for drop-in every Wednesday at 17.00 – 19.00. Then you can come to Kyrkgatan 45 in Östersund without registering.

It is also possible to book an appointment Tuesday – Thursday at 9-15. You do that on this page: https://rfsljh.kaddio.com/booking/cal/testpoint-jh

Contact persons

Nicole Stuffler, sexual health coordinator (She), RFSL Jämtland Härjedalen
063-700 74 02, nicole.stuffler@jh.rfsl.se

Henrik Hedman, communicator (He), RFSL Jämtland Härjedalen
063-700 74 03, henrik.hedman@jh.rfsl.se

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